Ten years ago, Monsignor Francis X. Schmidt began the work of Father Chucks Challenge.  On April 22, 2017, about 125 donors, volunteers and friends of FCC gathered at Saint Isaac Jorgues parish in Wayne, Pa. to celebrate and reflect upon the ministry God has compelled us to serve.  Father Chuck’s Challenge is an initiative named in memory of Father Chuck Pfeffer, a priest who was beloved by the community and who was mentored by Msgr. Schmidt. Father Chuck’s Challenge provides a constant reminder, to all who knew him, about the importance of addressing the needs of the poorest of the poor – especially the young.

The evening was a warm and nostalgic affair that celebrated the accomplishments of the many contributors who have given of their time, talent and treasure for the sake of the poor families in Nicaragua and Haiti.  Anthony began the evening with a welcome to all and reflections of he and his family's FCC mission trip experiences.  Anthony offered to the gathering his ideas on ways to become involved.  Father Kennedy led us in the opening prayer and gave the blessing prior to the start of dinner.  After dinner, Deacon Peter shared events that took place on his mission trips to Nicaragua and Haiti.  Melissa spoke of three life changing experiences, including the gift of Monsignor Schmidt into her life as well as the lives of FCC's 7,350 beneficiaries. Theresa gave thanks to everyone who came this night and then introduced Monsignor Schmidt .

Monsignor began by elaborating on Father Chuck Pfeffer and his many accomplishments during his priestly ministry.  Monsignor Schmidt talked about the beginnings of interest in devoting his energy to serving the poor. He explained how he ruminated over many candidate names for the new ministry he was compelled to build, but none of them felt completely satisfactory to him. One day the name "Father Chuck's Challenge" came to him, giving him certain comfort that this was the right choice.  Monsignor regaled the audience with many stories of his personal encounters with the poor families he serves.   These unforgettable encounters, many meeting the poor on the muddy hillsides and desolate shorelines where they live, gave us all a sense of mission and encouragement to further his work.  Monsignor closed his remarks with scripture reading from the gospel of St. Matthew (Chapter 25) that we all know so well.

In honor of FCC's anniversary, and also the upcoming 60th anniversary of Monsignor's priestly ordination on June 11th, the volunteers presented him with a 10th anniversary photo book of Father Chuck's Challenge visits with the people of Nicaragua and Haiti.

Please reference this sites Projects page to view an inception to date accounting of the gifts to the poor our donors have made.



Father Chuck's Challenge